Yana's commissions

Welcome!Here is where I put my commission services for each semester. If you have any inquiries regarding my services please feel free to dm me on twitter/x or email me.❖ Please make sure to check my Terms of services before commissioning me!
Here are my current available services:
Illustrations / PNG REACTIVE
ych genshin style chibi live2d
Animated Illustration (live2d)
business email: [email protected]
Yana's commissions
Emote commissions

custom emotes are 448x448.These prices includes commercial fees and may be used for merch.REQUIREMENTS: Character reference, image references for emotesplease note that since these are custom, some emotes may not be approved by twitch, please make sure to check on twitch's terms regarding emotes before deciding.To avail a slot for my emote services please dm me on twitter
more samples of my art style in my vgen
◇ Bust up - $50
◇ full body - $75◇PNG REACTIVE - $60
(always bust up)canvas sizes are always A4
prices are per character and may raise from the complexity of the character design. These prices includes commercial fees and may be used for merch.PNG reactives will always have what is needed in veadotube (i.e. mouth open, mouth closed, blink)Requirements: Character ref sheet and pose.Please dm me on To avail a slot for my this service please dm me on twitter to avail this commission.Vgen payments will be coming soon!
Starting Price: $250+
(Animated character w/ background)Cut illustration: $150+
(PSD FILE READY TO RIG/TWEEN)Just animation: $150+
[if you have a psd file that is cut and ready and only need the animation)Animated Illustrations will be done in Live2d and after effects. The starting price is intended for commercial use and may change depending on complexity. direct communication will be required for this commission for a smooth finish.Requirements: Character ref sheet, pose reference and character assets if applicable.Please dm me on To avail a slot for my this service please dm me on twitter to avail this commission.
Half Body - $510
Full Body - $630
Chibi - $400Rigging add-ons menu:
○ Extra Expressions (on / off sticker toggles ) - $15+
○ Animal parts (ears, tails, horns, wings) - $40+
○ Animated Expressions - $50+
○ Extra Eyes/Mouth (Switchable Toggles) - $55+
○ Extra Hair Toggles (varies by complexity) - $30+
○ Extra Outfit ( depending on the complexity ) - 60%
○ Extra Arms/Gestures - $45
○ cheek puff - $30
○ tongue rigging - $100
○ mouth X - $30Custom Animations (depending on complexity and duration) - $60+Requirements: Finished PSD of the Model Art.
Please check Faf's live2d guide to make sure you have the proper model separations >here<The prices shown are the start up prices for the Live2d Rigging. The price will be affected by complexity of the model's parts. All estimated prices provided includes rights to commercial fee. Please Inquire for final price quotationMore samples hereTo avail this service please dm me on twitter
YCH Genshin syle live2d chibi
Base Prices:
Vtuber Model Illust + Rig - $315Includes 3 Free Expressions:
Blush, Disgusted, Sparkle EyesAdditionals:
Extra Expressions - $12+
Arm Toggle - $35+
Props - $40+
Alternate Hair - $50+
Alternate outfit - $100
Requirements: Character reference sheet and please
fill out the form >here<The package includes moc3 that is ready to be dragged and dropped to the Vtube Studio Folder.
This is a YCH so a Character reference sheet is mandatory. I will not be able to handle character designs. The art style will be following the Chibi art styles shown in most Genshin livestreams.
i cannot do the following:
- Mecha
- Furry (Negotiable)
- Muscular bodies
- Elderly
business email: [email protected]